Tips to stand out in the crowd
In the book “How to find a job in 30 days“, I wrote a chapter on this topic. If you have already applied all the tips, I have no doubt that you will start getting noticed.
Think about a “weird” job
Society has needs that must be fulfilled and that creates job opportunities. Education, health, food, transport and communication are just some examples of basic human needs. So for them to be made accessible to people, someone has to work in these fields.
My presentation on FINDE.U Virtual University International Job Fair
You’re looking for a job, right? So… what is the first thing that you should do? Watch my presentation at FINDE.U Virtual University International Job Fair.
Read one of these books without paying!
Today, I want you to go to the nearest book shop and look for an inspiring book. If you can’t afford to buy it, sit down and read it in the shop!
Use a time machine to define your objectives
In the next 5 years do you intend to get a new job, start a company or work in a non-profit organization?
Job interviews questions
In the book “How to find a job in 30 days“, I wrote a chapter about how to prepare for a job interview. I presented a long list of questions that are usually asked by recruiters and explained what is being evaluated in each answer you give.
Read inspiring books… that will change your life!
One of the best ways to learn and reach success is through reading especially inspiring books by people that have a career or life style that we would like to have.
How to call companies after sending your CV
After you have sent in your application, you will need to speak to the recruiter on the phone.
How to write a cover letter for a job application?
Why your cover letter is boring?
You should start with your own story, not with “Dear Sir”… Show passion!